Watch our video guide here
Or follow our five easy steps below


This guide provides instructions for connecting your Apple watch with watchOS 10 or above with the BODY BIKE SMART+ indoor bike.

Tap the workout symbol.

Press the three dots in the corner of the “Indoor Cycle” workout.

Scroll down and press “Preferences”. Select “Indoor Cycle Workout Views”

Add RPM and Watt to your workout view

Press the pencil in the upper right corner of Metric or Metric 2, to edit the view. Tap the widgets to edit the metrics, and choose RPM or Watt from the list. Exit the menu and return to Indoor Cycling Workout Views. Scroll down to include the screen view with Power.

Include "Power Zones"

If you want to include “Power Zones” without having biked five times, press on Settings > Custom and set your FTP.

OBS! Check the BODY BIKE APP under PERSONAL SETTINGS to see what your FTP is.

Press DONE, scroll down and select 5 zones to get the same intensity scale as in the BODY BIKE app and INTELLIGENT CYCLING app.

Now you can start your workout.

To connect with the BODY BIKE SMART+ bike slide to the side and tap on the connect icon in the right corner. Press “Connect a Device” and the bike will show up (start pedaling to get a signal).

Add Wheel Size

Press the information icon on the connected bike and set the Wheel Size under Circumference to 1413mm

Go back to the workout and now your settings will be shown. Your phone will notify that you are working out, allow notification and your data will be shown on your phone.

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